San Antonio Group Psychotherapy Society

About AGPA


The American Group Psychotherapy Association is the foremost professional association dedicated to the field of group psychotherapy, operating through a tri-partite structure: AGPA, a professional and educational organization; the Group Foundation for Advancing Mental Health, its philanthropic arm; and the International Board for Certification of Group Psychotherapists, a standard setting and certifying body.  This multidisciplinary association has approximately 3,000 members, including psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, clinical mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, pastoral counselors, occupational therapists and creative arts therapists, many of whom have been recognized as specialists through the Certified Group Psychotherapist credential.  The association has 26 local and regional societies located across the country.  Its members are experienced mental health professionals who lead psychotherapy groups and various non-clinical groups.  Many are organizational specialists who work with businesses, not-for-profit organizations, communities and other "natural" groups to help them improve their functioning.

Learn more at

See upcoming AGPA events here:


AGPA Connect 2022

Uniting Through Groups: Pathways to Understanding and Inclusion

American Group Psychotherapy Association Annual Meeting
Special Institute Presentations: Monday, February 28
Two-Day Institute: Tuesday, March 1 & Wednesday, March 2
Three-Day Conference: Thursday, March 3 - Saturday, March 5

AGPA Connect is designed for clinicians, as well as mental health workers, psychiatric residents and graduate students in mental health degree programs. It is composed of three major sections: the Special Institute, the Two-Day Institute, and the Conference.

The Institute is held on Tuesday & Wednesday, March 1 & 2 (with Special Institute Presentations scheduled for Monday, February 28). The Two-Day Institute is devoted to small group teaching primarily in the experiential mode. The Conference is held on Thursday-Saturday, March 3 – March 5 and offers a variety of formats, including courses, limited registration workshops as well as open session panels on special topics and original scientific paper sessions.

Learn More About AGPA’s 2022 Annual Conference here:

Learn About The Group Foundation Scholarship Program and Apply for Scholarship for AGPA Connect 2022

Please contact SAGPS Board at for more information or questions.

 ‌For Immediate Release

from American Group Psychotherapy  Association

Media Contact: Diane C. Feirman, CAE 877-668-AGPA (2472)


NEW YORK, August 14, 2018— The American Group Psychotherapy Association (AGPA) announced today that group psychology and group psychotherapy have been officially recognized as a specialty by the American Psychological Association (APA) as recommended by the Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology (CRSPPP).

Such recognition is granted to defined areas of psychological practice which demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills acquired through an organized sequence of education and training. This status is conferred following an in-depth petition process demonstrating core scientific foundations in psychology, a professional foundation, advanced scientific and theoretical knowledge germane to the specialty, and advanced professional applications of this knowledge to selected problems and populations in particular settings, through use of validated procedures and techniques. 

The petition process confirms that the specialty has:

  • education and training guidelines and standards for the doctoral, internship, post-doctoral and post-licensure program levels

  • evidence based theories and practices

  • substantial references to support its efficacy

  • a mission to serve the public’s need for mental health services

  • demonstrated effectiveness for a variety of target audiences from childhood to older adults

  • demonstrated efficacy for a wide variety of problems, issues and concerns

For more information on group psychotherapy contact AGPA at (212) 477-2677 or visit our website at